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Today is New Comic Book Day and boy do we have an epic tale for you! A tale with an equally epic cover by Chris Batista and John-Paul Bové.
Issue 47, YO JOE! brings you the Transformers crossover you always wanted to see as a kid with everyone’s real American hero, G.I. Joe! Be sure to hang on tight, because this is just the first issue in a four-issue limited series.
On heightened patrol near the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, G.I. Joe forces are bombarded by Cobra troops seeking to control the flow of oil. But in the midst of battle, both parties are astounded by the arrival of the towering Megatron and his fellow Decepticons. As G.I. Joe works on a plan, Cobra Commander slithers in to take up with the Decepticon leader and the two iconic villains soon scheme as to how to share their rule of the world.
Will Cobra and the Decepticons have enough tolerance for each other to see their world-ruling plan to fruition? Or will the G.I. Joe Special Mission Force and their new Autobot allies be enough to stop this collective of terrorists before they even get started?
To find out you’ll have to download this month’s free issue.

This is the start of an amazing adventure! One that brings together two celebrated childhood properties from the 80s. And who better to help us visualize this epic crossover than Chris Batista and John-Paul Bové? Two incredible artists who have a long history of working on both Transformers and G.I. Joe.
Long-time Transformers fans will know the name Chris Batista as he worked on the original G.I. Joe comics that reintroduced the Transformers in the early 90s as Transformers: Generation 2. And of course, John-Paul Bové who has not just worked on G.I. Joe titles from IDW but also worked on several G1 titles such as Transformers: ReGeneration One and Transformers: ’84.

The cover for today’s issue of Transformers: ReAnimated was inspired by issue 21 of Sgt. Rock. The cover of which was done by the amazing Joe Kubert.

Greig and I were drawn to this Joe Kubert cover for two reasons. The first is that we felt that it best conveyed how big of a deal the start of this 4-issue crossover will be. The second reason is it also reminded us of the cover to G.I. Joe 139 which was a cover that when it originally was released in the early 90s left a huge impression on both of us. Hopefully, our version will leave a gigantic robot-sized impression on you!
Written by Youseph (Yoshi) Tanha from the YoshiCast and Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast, this G1 adventure follows in the Transformers: ReAnimated tradition of bridging the gap between the cartoon’s second season and the 1986 Movie that defined the childhood of millions, worldwide.
So, if you *did* like issue 47: YO JOE!, then please consider contacting SKYBOUND Entertainment (Via E-mail or Twitter) and let them know you would have liked to see Transformers: REANIMATED as an ongoing comic book series written by Yoshi and Greig.
‘Till All Are One!
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