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September is here! That means it’s time for a new issue of Transformers: REANIMATED! This is the epic conclusion to our four-issue G.I. Joe Crossover. And just look at this astonishing cover by Chris Batista and John-Paul Bové. G2 Megatron is here in a big way! Brought back to us by the very artist who introduced us to him in the early 90s. Greig and I could not be more thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with the very talented Chris Batista on these G.I. Joe crossover covers. We also can’t leave out John-Paul Bové who applied his incredible talent to colouring these thrilling covers for us. We cannot thank them enough.
Please help yourself to these stories by downloading them for free.
Issue 50, Knowing Is Half The Battle! completes the Transformers crossover you always wanted to see as an 80s kid with everyone’s favorite, highly trained special mission force, G.I. Joe! I hope you’re ready for the final issue in this limited series.
When Cobra Commander and his terrorist forces join the Decepticons to make a final push for control of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline, they find themselves confronted yet again by the renewed forces of G.I. Joe and their Autobot allies. But just as Optimus Prime and Duke’s heroic contingent begin to gain the upper hand, their unstoppable forces are met with an immovable object: Megatron, and his new-and-improved body. Will this new development in the Cobra / Decepticon union be too much for our heroes to overcome?
To find out, you’ll have to download this month’s free issue.

This adventure concludes with issue 50 as two celebrated childhood properties from the 80s do battle within these pages. Chris Batista and John-Paul Bové continue their thrilling work with this issue’s cover; two fantastic artists who have an established history of working on both Transformers and G.I. Joe.
Chris Batista worked on the original G.I. Joe comics that reintroduced the Transformers in the early 90s as Transformers: Generation 2. And of course, John-Paul Bové who has not only worked on G.I. Joe titles from IDW, but also worked on several G1 titles such as Transformers: ReGeneration One and Transformers: ’84.

The cover for today’s issue of Transformers: ReAnimated was inspired by issue #2 of SABAN’S Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, originally by the highly talented Jamal Campbell.
For this cover, Greig and I wanted to show the battles between good and evil were happening all over and on every scale. We hope this homage pulls that off beautifully with incredible detail.
And hey, don’t think we’re stopping at issue 50! Thanks to fans like you, we’ve managed to achieve what we were told was impossible and created an all-new addition to the G1 cartoon mythos. Our thanks to all who supported us (and some that didn’t) because all of you have ensured we have lots more ReAnimated headed your way!
Written by Youseph (Yoshi) Tanha from the YoshiCast and Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast, this G1 adventure follows in the Transformers: ReAnimated tradition of bridging the gap between the cartoon’s second season and the 1986 Movie that defined the childhood of millions, worldwide.
So, if you *did* like issue 50: Knowing Is Half The Battle, then please consider contacting SKYBOUND Entertainment (Via E-mail or Twitter) and let them know you would have liked to see Transformers: REANIMATED as an ongoing comic book series written by Yoshi and Greig.
‘Till All Are One!
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