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Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah everyone! December is here! So let’s celebrate this festive season with the brand new issue 53 of Transformers: REANIMATED: A Space Bridge Too Far. This month’s cover features a looming G2 Megatron over an Optimus Prime-led Autobot squad standing on the space bridge. With detailed line work and dazzling colouring, Jim Stafford shares his artistic talent with us to bring this character-filled cover to you. Big thanks go out to Jim for pulling this one off.
So grab a sugar cookie and settle yourself into this action-filled story by downloading it for free.
Ever since taking control of Iacon City, Megatron and his Cybertron-based forces have continued to ransack several Autobot resistance depots. But from a not-so-secret staging ground on Moon Base Two, female Autobots, Elita-One and Lancer call for help from none other than the Earth-bound Optimus Prime. Can Prime and his squad of Autobots take control of the Decepticon space bridge and return to Cybertron to assist Elita-One and her team in their time of need? And can they overcome the space bridge’s deadly guardian? To find out, you’ll have to download this month’s free issue.

This adventure is a stand-alone story that fits into our overall plans to fill the gap left between Transformers season 2 and the ’86 animated movie.
Jim Stafford, who has worked with us on covers for issues 36, 40 and 45, returns to penciling and colouring duties for this latest issue. Working from our written description, Jim has been able to render a thrilling cover for us and we are so happy to be able to finally share it with everyone!
Written by Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast and Youseph (Yoshi) Tanha from the YoshiCast, this G1 adventure follows in the Transformers: ReAnimated tradition of bridging the gap between the cartoon’s second season and the 1986 Movie that defined the childhood of millions.
So, if you *did* like issue 53: A Space Bridge Too Far, then please consider contacting SKYBOUND Entertainment (Via E-mail or Twitter) and let them know you would have liked to see Transformers: REANIMATED as an ongoing comic book series written by Yoshi and Greig.
‘Till All Are One!
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