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A very Happy New Year everyone! January 2024 is here and with it, come resolutions. What are our resolutions here at Transformers: REANIMATED? That’s easy. To keep raising the bar with our stories and artwork. And to show you just how serious we are about this, here is a brand new issue of Transformers: REANIMATED, Issue 54: Hounded Part 1.
This month’s cover comes to us from the legendary pair of Casey Coller and John-Paul Bove. It features an overpowered Hound, coming down hard on Superion in the Emerald City of Seattle. Truly an awesome scene to be sure, and one that Casey and John-Paul created for us all to enjoy.
So grab a cup of kindness, and help yourself to this metropolis-sized story by downloading it for free.
After a battle with the Decepticons leaves several innocent humans injured, Hound laments his holographic skills and wishes they could do more. So when Wheeljack installs a new AI chip within Hound’s circuitry, his holographic powers exceed even his wildest dreams and allow him to create tangible, solid holograms for the first time! Unfortunately, power comes at a price. When Hound’s AI chip begins to make plans of its own, the device slowly corrupts the Autobot’s mind, turning him against his teammates. Can the mighty Superion stand up to Hound and his newfound abilities, or will this be the end of the Autobots as we know them?

Casey Coller and John-Paul Bove have done several covers for Transformers: REANIMATED before including, 1, 15, 22, and 43. Today they have returned with a cover that was inspired by Darryl Banks‘ Green Lantern 140.

Written by Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast and Youseph (Yoshi) Tanha from the YoshiCast, this G1 adventure follows in the Transformers: ReAnimated tradition of bridging the gap between the cartoon’s second season and the 1986 Movie that defined the childhood of millions.
So, if you *did* like issue 54: Hounded Part 1, then please consider contacting SKYBOUND Entertainment (Via E-mail or Twitter) and let them know you would have liked to see Transformers: REANIMATED as an ongoing comic book series written by Yoshi and Greig.
‘Till All Are One!
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