Here it is! (409-kb PDF Download)Audio Version! (86-MB MP3) This is issue 5 of our rejected Transformers: REANIMATED comic. We are releasing it here as fan fiction. With line art and colors provided by Transformers comic book artist Lee Sullivan. Written by Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast and me (Yoshi), from the YoshiCast. ‘Tis…Read more
REANIMATED Goes Across The Pond This Xmas
I am delighted to announce that veteran Transformers comic book artist, Lee Sullivan is doing the cover for Transformers: REANIMATED issue 5: A TRANSFORMERS CHRISTMAS CAROL. Set to be released on Wednesday, December 4th, Mr. Sullivan has been teasing his cover for REANIMATED on his social media page. If you like spoilers you should definitely…Read more